Other Wood Destroying Organisms
Termites are not the only wood destroying organisms you need to look out for and have taken care of by a professional such as Trademark Exterminators, Inc. A few other factors are :
Dry Rot and Dry Rot Damage
Fungus and Fungus Damage
Moisture and Moisture Damage
Some that could lead into other problems such as:
Earth to Wood Contact
Cellulose Debris
Faulty Grade
Water Stains
Among other items that could possibly be noted on a termite report that could keep you from closing escrow on that house you've been dreaming of. We here at Trademark Exterminators, Inc., give a complete thorough inspection inside and out. We give our clients and customers options for treatment and repair, while trying to be as easy as possible on the wallet so your transaction can be as easy as possible for you. We are licensed and bonded with the State of CA so we do have Rules and Regulations to abide by.
Those can be found here: ​

Dry Rot with Damage and Fungus with Damage

Sometimes the wood is just too damaged and it's best to remove it completely.
Shown above with the stairs on the deck and below with the entire patio.

